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Final demo

March 20, 2014

DIRAC FINAL DEMO: March 20th, 2014 at Van der Valk Hotel Brussels National Airport Culliganlaan 4b,1831 Diegen Belgium



10:30 Reception and registration

11:30 Welcome (NICC / Belgian Customs)

11:45 The DIRAC sensor & prototypes (CREO)

12:00 The added value of the DIRAC sensor (UNIL)

12:15 Practical application scenarios for the DIRAC sensor (NICC)

12:30 The demo plan CREO

12:45 Lunch

13:15 Transfer to the demo location

13:30 Demonstration at one of the warehouses within the goods and customs area of the airport (Brucargo)

14: 45 Back to the meeting room

15:00 Conclusions and outlook 

16:00 End of the meeting